Atlanta E-Bike Rebate Program

The Atlanta Regional Commission has partnered with the City of Atlanta and Propel ATL to offer an equity focused E-Bike Rebate Program designed to provide affordable transportation options for City of Atlanta residents, particularly moderate and low-income individuals. Fueled by a $1,000,000 investment from the City of Atlanta, this initiative aims to break down barriers to e-bike ownership, reduce transportation costs, and replace solo car trips to work, the grocery store, and local parks and recreation centers.

Bikes parked at post along sidewalk

All E-Bike Rebates for 2024 Have Been Claimed

Please sign up to receive email notifications to stay informed of future application rounds, pending additional program funding.

Program Details and Eligibility  |  Application and Selection Process

By the Numbers


e-bike rebates redeemed 


of total rebate funds redeemed were income qualified - 80% or less than the area median income


of income qualified applicants said they do not own or lease a car


of rebate applicants said they’d primarily use an e-bike to commute to work or for other essential transportation needs

“My e-bike helps me to commute to work and school and across town with transit so see my son. I have expressed much appreciation about the program to many of my peers. It has been such a blessing!”

-- Tayonna H., English Avenue

“This is one of the best programs the city of Atlanta has offered. It allows the opportunity to introduce people to the world of e-bikes in a cost friendly manner who otherwise would not have the opportunity. Now that I have gotten to use my e-bike, I have relied less on my vehicle, and attempt to commute using my e-bike when possible.”

-- Onais T., Midtown

“I have loved my e-bike and have started biking again for the first time in 10+ years. I could never have afforded one without the program. I also appreciate the increased number of protected bike lanes plus trails like the Beltline and PATH, which have given me confidence and made me feel safe to travel longer distances using my e-bike.”

-- Erin R., Westview

“My wife and I likely would not have purchased an e-bike without the rebate. It was a great motivator and now we use it all the time! The program has been well administered the whole way along. Plenty of clear communication on next steps and deadlines. Thank you!”

-- Jeremiah M., Oakland City

“I am so thrilled with this program! It inspired my family to move from two cars to one car and my children INSIST on riding the e-bike to school every day.”

-- Ashley C., Grant Park


General E-Bike Information

Program Details

Participating Bike Shops

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Community Planning Academy
Georgia Commute Options
Green Communities
Metro Atlanta Speaks
MNG Water Planning District
State of the Region
WorkSource GA