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2023 Regional Transportation Demand Management Plan

Mobility Connections

What is TDM, and why do we need a TDM plan?

The Atlanta Regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan is a long-range plan that defines a strategic framework for developing and integrating TDM into planning, project development and system operations investment decision-making. TDM provides set of strategies that maximize traveler choices. These travel choices include the mode, route, and time of travel, as well as home and work location decisions.

TDM is a key method for ARC and partners to support and improve regional mobility. The 2023 Regional TDM Plan update, Mobility Connections: Expanding Opportunity, seeks to ensure that TDM remains a key approach to deliver better environmental outcomes, connect individuals with economic opportunity and essential services, improve public health and social equity, foster stronger communities, and create more prosperous and livable places.

ARC’s Mobility Services Department manages the regional TDM program, Georgia Commute Options, including Guaranteed Ride Home. They also provide technical and financial management for Employer Service Organizations (ESOs) who work with area employers to help establish and operate commute options programs for their employees. For more information, please contact Georgia Commute Options at 1-877-433-3463 or visit

2023 Regional TDM Plan Report

The final report distills the process, key findings, and recommendations from the Plan update, including the equity analysis, goals and strategies, and action plan.

Appendix A: Regional TDM Inventory
This detailed inventory includes a review of sociodemographic and mobility trends, plans, policies, and initiatives coupled with targeted stakeholder engagement on mobility needs. The inventory serves to define the policy, planning, physical and social context that the regional TDM Program is currently operating in.

Appendix B: SWOT Analysis
This report synthesizes the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of the regional TDM Program as they relate to current sociodemographic and mobility trends and relevant plans, policies, and initiatives of TDM stakeholders.

Appendix C: Equity Analysis
The equity analysis evaluates the impact of proposed TDM strategies across the 20-County Metro Atlanta region on diverse populations based on demographic, socioeconomic, employment, and transportation characteristics.

Appendix D: Action Planning Worksheet
A summary of specific actions for implementation of the regional TDM Plan, including measures of success, roles, resources, timeframes and immediate next steps.



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Community Planning Academy
Georgia Commute Options
Green Communities
Metro Atlanta Speaks
MNG Water Planning District
State of the Region
WorkSource GA