This website provides an overview of the services available to help job seekers find a job that works for them. Services include employment assistance and career training for those who meet eligibility requirements.
Mobile Lab
WorkSource Atlanta Regional’s Mobile Career Lab is stationed weekly at local locations to provide assistance in job readiness and job search activities as well as information on training opportunities.
Career Resource Centers
Offers career assessment testing, job readiness training, and job search assistance, and help locating approved training and education providers.
Building Georgia
Building Georgia aims to close workforce gaps in infrastructure construction in Georgia.
Career Resource Centers

The WorkSource Atlanta Regional’s Mobile Career Lab currently has a monthly schedule of locations it visits throughout the region in addition to our Career Resource Centers. Customers can fill out applications, talk with career counselors via phone or email, and participate in web-based trainings and education sessions. We are also available and ready to assist our business partners in preparing their workforce for the future.
To locate your Career Resource Center or find WorkSource programs in the 10-county metro Atlanta region, visit or the Technical College System of Georgia WIOA Centers.
Contact information for WorkSource Atlanta Regional:
Phone: 404-463-3327
Services for Businesses
WorkSource Atlanta Regional offers a range of services for businesses seeking a skilled workforce, including training and skills development for new and existing employees, assistance with employee recruitment, and data tools that provide insight into labor market trends.
Programs and services include:
- On-the-job-training to attract and retain new talent
- Incumbent worker training to help existing employees obtain the skills they need to stay competitive
- Employee recruitment assistance, provided at no cost to the employer
- Reimbursement for customized training to meet the specific needs of an employer
- ‘Rapid Response’ assistance to help displaced workers get back to work as soon as possible
Services for Job Seekers
WorkSource Atlanta Regional provides a range of services for job seekers, including education and skills development. WorkSource Atlanta Regional operates local Career Resource Centers and the Mobile Career Lab.
Programs and services include:
- Career assessment testing to identify potential career paths
- Job readiness training in areas such as effective communication and problem solving that prepare clients to get, keep and excel at a new job
- Job search training assistance that helps build strong resumes and interview skills
- Assistance in locating approved training providers and registering for programs
NextGen Services – for ages 16-24
WorkSource Atlanta Regional’s NextGen program provides year-round workforce training and education program for people 16-24 years old who are interested in employment and/or training and live in Cherokee, Clayton, Douglas, Fayette, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties. Participants must meet low-income guidelines and/or possess significant and defined barriers to education and employment.
Organization and Funding
The programs offered through ARC’s Workforce Solutions division are funded through the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and a partner of the American Job Center network. In Georgia these funds are administered by the Technical College System of Georgia Office of Workforce Development (OWD), which oversees 19 WorkSource programs across the state, including WorkSource Atlanta Regional. Each local program is led by a local workforce development board that is charged with creating employment and training systems tailored to meet the specific needs of their local economies.
WorkSource Atlanta Regional, which is staffed by ARC and guided by the Atlanta Regional Workforce Development Board (ARWDB), is one of the five WorkSource programs in the 10-county Atlanta region. WorkSource Atlanta Regional serves customers in Cherokee, Clayton, Douglas, Fayette, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties.
Workforce Planning
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act requires that each Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB), located within a region with other LWDBs, must prepare both a local workforce plan and a coordinated regional workforce plan. Click the respective links below to review the updated plans.
7-County WorkSource Atlanta Regional Plan
Every four years, the ARWDB submits a local plan to the Governor that provides a framework to achieve the area’s strategic goals. The plan also aligns and integrates efforts with other WorkSource programs across the Atlanta region.
10-County WorkSource Metro Atlanta Plan
As required by WIOA, the five local Workforce Development Boards in metro Atlanta developed an integrated, regional workforce plan for Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties and the City of Atlanta. The regional plan recommends a range of initiatives to prepare the workforce for today’s economy, concentrating on the region’s most in-demand sectors: healthcare, IT, transportation/distribution/logistics, advanced manufacturing, and skilled trades.