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Aging Services and Resources

ARC’s Aging and Independence Services (A&IS) Department seeks to improve the lives of older persons and people with disabilities. As the federally designated Area Agency on Aging, ARC is responsible for developing long-range plans to accommodate the region’s rapidly growing population of older adults, providing and administering services designed to maximize the independence, health, and well-being of older persons, individuals with disabilities, and their care partners.

Live Beyond Expectations

This regional strategic framework is a five-year plan (2020-2025) designed to identify and address inequities that create disparities in life expectancy in metro Atlanta.


Provides services and information for aging, disability, and caregiver needs and opportunities in metro Atlanta through a website ( and phone line (404-463-3333).

Advisory Committee on Aging

This ARC committee serves as the advisory body for the Atlanta Area Agency on Aging (AAA). The committee advises and submits recommendations on matters relating to the development, review, and evaluation of the AAA.

Supporting Metro Atlanta’s Fast-Growing Population of Older Adults

Metro Atlanta’s aging population is growing fast. In fact, our region is one of the fastest-aging in the country. In 2021, more than 870,000 people ages 60 and older lived in the 10-county region. That’s nearly one in five of us. By 2050, that population is expected to double to 1.9 million, or one in four of us.

Most of us want to stay in our communities as we age. As the federally designated Area Agency on Aging, ARC works with partners across the region to maximize the independence, health, and well-being of older persons, individuals with disabilities, and their care partners.

We provide a variety of services to make this happen, including:

  • Delivered meals to people who cannot leave their homes
  • Material aid, from assistive equipment like easy-to-use can openers to short-term financial help for utilities and groceries.
  • Respite vouchers that allow caregivers to tend to their own needs while ensuring their loved ones are property cared for.
  • Care management to help people navigate the complexity of their health and daily needs by coordinating services.
  • Behavioral health coaching to support individuals with mental health and/or substance abuse issues and help them preserve their housing at residential facilities.

Featured Resources Related to Aging Services and Resources

Aging & Independence Services Annual Report

Provides an overview of ARC’s programs to support older adults and people with disabilities.

An effort by ARC and the Georgia Division of Aging Services to reduce food insecurity.

An effort by ARC and the Georgia Division of Aging Services to reduce food insecurity.

Lifelong Community Partnership

ARC convenes governments, civic organizations, nonprofits, and individuals to share ideas and learn about ways to transform our communities into places that work for every age and stage of life

Aging & Independence Policy Briefs

Provide information and potential solutions to crucial issues, including social isolation, transportation, housing, and caregiving.

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Community Planning Academy
Georgia Commute Options
Green Communities
Metro Atlanta Speaks
MNG Water Planning District
State of the Region
WorkSource GA