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Atlanta Regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Annual Report

TDM 2020 Annual Report header

The Atlanta Regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) 2022 Annual Report shares highlights from outreach and marketing activities and the measurable outcomes of the region’s TDM Program, which consists of Georgia Commute Options (GCO), the regional provider of TDM services, working in conjunction with six Transportation Management Associations (TMAs), which provide TDM services within specific employment centers throughout the region. This program provides TDM services to commuters, employers, property managers, and community organizations throughout the 20-county region, with the overarching goals of:

  • Increasing the use of travel modes other than single-occupant vehicles (SOV),
  • Keeping the Atlanta Region economically competitive, and
  • Expanding travel options and regional accessibility.

Atlanta Regional TDM 2022 Annual Report

This iteration annual report describes regional commuting trends, program implementation and outreach efforts, and general programmatic outcomes for GCO and six TMAs in 2022. report is presented through an interactive StoryMap.

View the Report

2022 Annual Report Highlights

In 2022, the GCO Program continued helping employees improve their commuting experience and provided services and outreach support to employers to facilitate teleworking and other flexible work options. This ranged from creating partnerships with public and community organizations, outreach to key populations, and relaying road construction information, among other outreach activities and promotions.

ARC's 2022 TDM Annual report highlights infographic

Below are some snapshot highlights from the 2022 Annual Report. Additional detail and information are available through the interactive StoryMap.

Teleworking Remains

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a historic change to commuting patterns. While initial reaction to the pandemic was primarily tied to stay at home orders, mandates, and overall uncertainty, many commuters, particularly those with the flexibility to do so, have continued working remotely and/or in a flexible work environment.

Since 2020, the GCO Program has continued to survey employees about working remotely. Findings show that the desired number of days to work from home has remained consistent since 2021, with respondents ideally working from home at least 3 days per week. However, the actual number of days respondents work from home has gradually decreased from an average of 3.9 days to 3.0 days per week.

Likewise, the GCO logging application, where commuters can record carpool, vanpool, transit, telecommute, bike, or walk trips to earn prizes, continued similar commuting patterns in 2022 compared to 2021. In 2022 approximately 60 percent of logging activity was for telework compared to 74 percent in 2021. This suggests that the prevalence of teleworking has gradually decreased since the height of the pandemic, but due to the desirability of flexible work schedules, teleworking will continue to remain a key fixture in commuting for the foreseeable future.

Innovative Outreach

The GCO Program has continued to provide resources and services supporting commuting and teleworking for employers and employees. Some key GCO activities included FlexWork Implementations to assist employers in developing, implementing, and enhancing flexible work policies; a series of modal promotions to encourage alternative modes for commuting; and targeted outreach to underserved populations and university students.

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Community Planning Academy
Georgia Commute Options
Green Communities
Metro Atlanta Speaks
MNG Water Planning District
State of the Region
WorkSource GA