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Transportation Planning

ARC collaborates with local governments and transportation agencies to develop the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), which prioritizes transportation investments in the 20-county Atlanta region through 2050 to improve mobility in the Atlanta region. As the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization, ARC is responsible for maintaining the MTP. As part of this work, ARC develops the regional bicycle-pedestrian plan, the freight mobility plan, and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which allocates federal funds for the highest-priority projects in the region.

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

The MTP is a long-range blueprint that details the investments that will be made through 2050 to ensure metro Atlanta’s future success and improve the region’s quality of life.

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The TIP allocates federal funds for use in the construction of the highest-priority projects in the MTP. Projects included in the TIP must be fully funded.

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

The UPWP is developed annually and documents metropolitan transportation planning activities performed with federal, state and local transportation funds in the 20-county Atlanta region.

Public Participation Plan (PPP)

The PPP is currently being updated to reflect new procedures and approaches for engaging diverse stakeholders in the transportation planning process.

Metropolitan Transportation Plan

ARC completed a major update of the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) in February 2024.  This plan allocates $168 billion in federal, state, and local funding through 2050 to improve the region’s transportation network. Plan highlights include:

  • Improving major thoroughfares and interchanges to improve mobility and safety
  • Expanding transit service to offer better connections to major job centers and services
  • Developing a regional bike-ped network
  • Building a network of Express lanes on area highways that offer more reliable trips
  • Encouraging the growth of alternative commute options

The plan was developed at a time of significant change in the Atlanta region. Technology, such as electric vehicles, ‘connected’ corridors, and artificial intelligence, are changing the way we live and work, as are trends like remote working. Climate change requires a strategic response. And federal priorities are shifting to emphasize investments in EV infrastructure and climate resilience.

Featured Resources Related to Transportation Planning

Regional Transportation Electrification Plan

This plan will direct the regional strategy for electric vehicle (EV) planning and investments to envision a dynamic electric mobility future, reduce transportation related greenhouse gas emissions, leverage economic growth and workforce opportunities, and create actionable implementation strategies.

Atlanta Regional Freight Mobility Plan

This plan serves as a guiding document to support the region’s freight movement strategies. The plan builds on previous planning efforts, evaluates recent changes, and identifies potential future freight needs. Learn more about the plan

Atlanta Regional Truck Parking Assessment Study

This study was conducted to identify the magnitude of existing and future truck parking needs and develop structured recommendations for implementation to mitigate the challenges. Learn more about the study

Walk, Bike, Thrive!

This plan establishes ambitious goals to help the Atlanta region become one of the most connected and safest regions in the U.S. for walking and bicycling. Learn more about the plan

Regional Safety Strategy

The RSS is a regional safety action plan to help ARC and its partners achieve safety goals and build a safe transportation system for all users in the Atlanta region. Learn more about the plan

Transportation Demand Management Plan

The Atlanta TDM Plan is a long-range plan that defines a strategic framework for developing and integrating TDM strategies into planning, project development, and systems operations investment decision-making. Learn more about the plan

Human Services Transportation Plan

This plan focuses on the transportation options available to often underserved populations in the Atlanta region. It’s designed to meet the needs of residents who don’t always have good access to decent, reliable transportation to jobs and medical services. Learn more about the plan

ATL Regional Transit Plan

The plan establishes a vision and set of goals to identify transit projects based on stakeholder input and technical analyses and to develop an implementation framework focusing limited resources on priority projects to meet current and future needs.

Transportation Improvement Program Evaluation Framework

This document provides an overview of ARC’s TIP development process, which incorporates rigorous data-driven decision-making into the planning process. Learn more about the framework

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Community Planning Academy
Georgia Commute Options
Green Communities
Metro Atlanta Speaks
MNG Water Planning District
State of the Region
WorkSource GA