Mitigating the Impact of Large-Scale Developments
Developments of Regional Impact

Under the Georgia Planning Act of 1989, any large-scale development, or one that is likely to impact neighboring jurisdictions, is subject to review as a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). ARC is responsible for conducting these reviews in the 11-county metro Atlanta area.

A DRI review is intended to foster communication and coordination between local governments and other relevant agencies, provide a means of identifying and assessing potential impacts before conflicts arise, and advance quality growth principles and regional planning priorities.

A jurisdiction must submit information on potential DRIs to ARC for review or risk losing Qualified Local Government (QLG) status with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA). Once a project is confirmed to be a DRI, ARC gathers input from neighboring jurisdictions and other potentially affected parties, analyzes the DRI’s alignment with regional priorities and good planning practices, and produces a report detailing comments and recommendations. After the review is complete, the local government retains its authority to make the final decision regarding approval of the development.

DRI Pre-Review/GRTA Methodology Meeting

The pre-review meeting is an important initial step in sharing DRI project information and soliciting regional stakeholder input on its impacts. It is also combined with the GRTA DRI methodology meeting, in which assumptions for a GRTA-required transportation study are discussed and agreed upon. GRTA’s DRI review process is related to, but separate from, ARC’s process. More information on GRTA DRI review is provided at the bottom of this page.

Pre-review/methodology meetings are conducted remotely on Monday mornings and afternoons upon request from the host local government.

For more information, contact DRI Review Coordinator Donald Shockey at or 470-378-1531.

GRTA DRI Reviews

Under state law, the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) is also required to review DRIs. GRTA reviews focus specifically on the projected transportation/traffic impacts of proposed developments and potential mitigation measures. The agency’s focus and process are related to, but distinct from, those of ARC. GRTA’s 13-county jurisdiction includes two additional counties (Coweta and Paulding) that are outside ARC’s state-designated 11-county footprint. For more information on GRTA’s DRI program, including its procedures and staff contacts, visit the GRTA DRI webpage.