Pursuant to Rules of the Department of Community Affairs, Chapter 110-12-4, Regionally Important Resources are defined as “any natural or cultural resource area identified for protection by a Regional Commission following the minimum requirements established by the Department.” The Regional Resource Plan is designed to:
- Enhance the focus on protection and management of important natural and cultural resources in the Atlanta region.
- Provide for careful consideration of, and planning for, impacts of new development on these important resources.
- Improve local, regional, and state level coordination in the protection and management of identified resources.
The Process
The public nomination process in 2009 resulted in over 150 nominations from local governments, non-profit agencies, and private citizens. Many of these nominations included multiple resources, resulting in the consideration of hundreds of individual resources. Beyond the nomination process, numerous opportunities were created for stakeholder input through plan briefings and presentations. After reviewing all nominations, researching the work of other local, state, and federal agencies, and considering input from regional stakeholders, three categories of resources were identified.
- Areas of Conservation and/or Recreational Value
- Historic and Cultural Resources
- Areas of Scenic and/ or Agricultural Value
Using DCA’s Rules for Regionally Important Resources, as well as six criteria approved by the ARC Board, resources were evaluated in regard to their Value and Vulnerability within the context of the Atlanta Region. Consideration is also given to Guidance for Appropriate Development Practices and General Policies and Protection Measures to promote the stewardship of these resources. To this end, ARC has identified general Management Strategies to guide its involvement in the stewardship of these resources and support the work of local governments in developing their community green infrastructure network.
The Plan
Ultimately, the plan will be used to “…coordinate activities and planning of local governments, land trusts and conservation or environmental protection groups’ activities in the region, and state agencies toward protection and management of the identified Regionally Important Resources. ” In addition to the work that ARC has done with mapping the Region’s Greenspace Inventory and developing a Green Infrastructure Toolkit, the Regional Resources Plan furthers the work being done on the local, regional, state and federal levels to preserve environmental resources, historic sites, and unique cultural landscapes. With the articulated goal of fostering a continuous green infrastructure network, the Regional Resource Plan promotes balanced growth and sustainable development practices to enhance the quality of life in communities throughout the region.
Download the Plan