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New Data Resources Track COVID-19 Impact in Metro Atlanta

Two healthcare workers wearing masks and gloves looking at tablet

The news is dizzying these days, as we face a global pandemic and a recession. It can be hard to make sense of what’s happening. 

That’s frustrating for all of us, but especially challenging for metro Atlanta leaders who are working to respond to the crises and craft a path forward. 

Here’s a look at several new data tools that put a local focus on the fast-evolving situation and help foster greater understanding and better decision-making: 

Weekly COVID-19 Tracker 

Each week, the COVID-19 report compiles variety of data points in an easy-to-read infographic. The report, available on the Atlanta Regional Commission’s data blog, 33°Nfeatures: 

  • Weekly numbers of new cases and deaths, for the region and by county 
  • Initial unemployment claims for the Atlanta region and by county. 
  • Job postings and residential/commercial building permit data for the region. 
  • Total time residents spend out of home and average workweek miles traveled, both regionally and by county. 

The report incorporates data from a number of sources, including the state Department of Health, Georgia Department of Labor, and Streetlight Data. 

We know that up-to-date information is needed to help people across our region make decisions to manage the crisis and develop plans to navigate a path forward,” said Mike Carnathan, manager of ARC’s Research and Analytics Group. 

Neighborhood Nexus COVID Resources 

The data experts at Neighborhood Nexus are exploring this topic in depth, providing a critical resource for organizations in metro Atlanta and across the state that are seeking to address the challenge. 

Neighborhood Nexus’s COVID-19 resource page offers plenty of insights and useful data tools. This includes information about medically vulnerable populations who are greater risks of complications from the virus, as well as key economic data points like populations without health insurance and industries that are severely threatened. 

The site also includes data from mobile devices to gauge patterns in social distancing and travel in the region. 

 “The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have become both a public health crisis and an economic crisis for many Georgians,” said Tommy Pearce, executive director of Neighborhood Nexus. “As a result, medical and economic interventions are necessary, especially for those families finding themselves at the intersection of both.” 

If you’re not familiar with Neighborhood Nexus, you should be! This powerful data tool is a free resource from the Atlanta Regional Commission, Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Metro Atlanta Chamber, and the United Way of Greater Atlanta. OK, back to our regularly scheduled program. 

The site also includes: 

  • A tool to map the number of reported COVID-19 cases and deaths, with info avail at the county level 
  • County level snapshots that offer a number of key data points, such as population of older adults, typical hospital bed counts, and health insurance coverage 
  • A map of COVID-19 testing locations 

What’s Next ATL, produced by the Atlanta Regional Commission, is a community resource that explores how metro Atlanta is growing and changing, and how the region is addressing its most pressing challenges.
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