The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) is committed to a regional safety approach to eliminate fatal and serious injuries crashes that is data-driven, proactive, and aggressive. ARC is convening a Regional Safety Task Force (RSTF) in order to lead the region towards zero traffic deaths. RSTF will help ARC:
- establish a regional safety vision;
- identify actionable strategies and resources;
- track our progress toward meeting regional safety targets;
- promote better transportation project development;
- promote a culture of safety.
The Regional Safety Task Force envisions travel in the Atlanta region by any mode will be safe, accessible, and convenient, especially for the most vulnerable road users. Community and agency partners will collaborate to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries through the use of context-sensitive and health-focused design, data-driven decision making, robust funding levels, and innovative technology solutions to ensure safe mobility for everyone in the Atlanta region.
Interested in joining the task force? The RSTF will be a multidisciplinary group of professionals from traditional and non-traditional entities convened to build effective partnerships and provide feedback towards the purpose of eliminating traffic-related injuries and fatalities and reducing the number of crashes across all modes. RSTF will benefit from stakeholders representing (but not limited to) the following sectors: engineering, emergency services, education, economic development, judiciary, law enforcement, legislation and policy, planning, private sector and consulting, community advocates, public health, and research. Please contact Tejas Kotak ( and include your name, organization/affiliation, title, phone number, and email address.