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Housing Data

ARC's Research and Analytics Department provides a range of data and mapping tools and services to help local governments and leaders make better-informed decisions.

LaFrance Walk DOE winner

Homepage screenshot of the Metro Atlanta Housing website.

Metro Atlanta Housing Strategy Website

The Metro Atlanta Housing Strategy was developed by ARC as an interactive toolkit that provides detailed information and data about the region’s housing market to the neighborhood level and offers a set of actionable steps local communities can take to address their housing challenges and provide a better range of quality, affordable housing options.

The goal is to foster a greater mix of housing options in the region, reflective of each community’s specific housing needs. This is achieved through six strategies to increase affordable housing options and bring about meaningful change:

  • Increase housing supply to promote affordability by providing the necessary tools for developers to contribute to the supply of both market-rate and affordable housing units.
  • Preserve supply of affordable housing units to ensure that they remain accessible to low- to moderate-income households.
  • Reduce housing and transportation costs by increasing housing options near job centers and advancing mobility options throughout the region.
  • Expand capital resources by providing financial incentives and mechanisms to foster the creation and preservation of affordable housing units.
  • Promote housing stability to ensure that residents can remain in their homes and communities.
  • Develop leadership and collaboration on housing to promote and enable education, communication, and collaboration around housing issues.

Featured Resources Related to Housing Data

Metro Atlanta Housing Strategy - Executive Summary

A Guide to Help Communities Understand Their Housing Challenges and Explore Solutions through Actionable Strategies.

ARC's 21-County Data Dashboard

33°N shares research about the metro Atlanta Region and is managed by the Research and Analytics Division of theAtlanta Regional Commission. The site contains housing data, found on the 33°N housing dashboard.

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Community Planning Academy
Georgia Commute Options
Green Communities
Metro Atlanta Speaks
MNG Water Planning District
State of the Region
WorkSource GA