
The Atlanta Regional Commission assists local governments, nonprofit organizations, and other stakeholders to better understand the region’s housing challenges and explore potential solutions through leadership programs, data resources, planning and technical assistance.

LaFrance Walk DOE winner

ARC Opens Public Comment Period for HUD Housing Grant Application

The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) is accepting public comment as part of its application for the HUD Pathways to Removing Obstacles (PRO) housing grant. This competitive grant allocates funds to identify and remove barriers to affordable housing production and preservation.

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Local Leadership Housing Action Committee (LLHAC)

Elected leaders meet over a one-year course to explore the region’s housing challenges and identify their leadership roles for affordable housing in their communities and Metro Atlanta.

Metro Atlanta Housing Strategy Toolkit

An interactive digital toolkit that provides detailed information and data about the region’s housing market to the neighborhood level and offers a set of actionable steps local communities can take to address their housing challenges.

Atlanta Regional Housing Forum

A quarterly educational event designed to engage affordable housing and community development stakeholders from a broad cross-section of audiences.

Housing Planning and Technical Assistance

ARC offers a variety of planning activities and assistance for communities to understand and impact housing in the region.

Regional Housing Need

With an expected population growth of 1.8 million people by 2050, the 11-county Atlanta Region will need an estimated 294,089* housing units created and 40,568* preserved over the next 10 years with options for all people at all stages of life to maintain its livability and economic stability. ​

A healthy and thriving region adapts and evolves to meet the needs of its residents. The region’s growth patterns and increased demand for housing have inflated prices for both ownership and rental homes. New housing has trended to higher-income families, acting to widen the affordability gap and leading to displacement. ​

Increasing access to quality, affordable housing will help the entire region thrive by furthering a strong economy, better quality of life, greater opportunities and increased equity, and reduced traffic congestion.

*Source: Georgia Statewide Housing Needs Analysis, February 2024, Slidedoc® Template (enterprisecommunity.org)

Expanding Unaffordability Across the Region

In 2022, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta announced that the Metro Atlanta area had become unaffordable based on data from the Home Ownership Affordability Monitor. The images below reveal changes in median sale prices across the region.

Animated GIF: maps of median home sale price change from 2018 to 2023

Fostering Quality, Affordable Housing

Building from the regional vision of “One Great Region” and the vision and goals of ARC’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), Housing in the Atlanta Region should promote economic resiliency and prosperity for all residents and communities in the region, reinforce equity, and support innovation.

To help implement this vision, the Atlanta Regional Commission assists the 11-County Economic Development District (EDD) in:

Framework for the Metro Atlanta Housing Strategy

The MAHS adopted a framework developed by Atlanta’s Urban Land Institute in its “Affordable Atlanta” report in 2018 and updated in its “Housing at its Core” report in 2023. Successfully addressing the region’s housing challenges will require a collaborative approach between Public, Non-profit, Philanthropic and Private sectors.

  • City & County
  • State
  • Economic Development
  • Atlanta Regional Commission
  • Housing Authorities (City & County)
  • Land banks
Non Profit

Featured Regional Housing Success: City of Decatur

Missing Middle Ordinance leads to Historic Preservation Award for Duplex Renovation | Inclusionary Housing Ordinance to Produce 41 New Affordable Homes | Oak Cottage Court Homes for Teachers

The ARC is collecting housing successes throughout the region! Do you have a success you want to share? Email kallin@atlantaregional.org. Please include: Project name, location, photos, partners, population served​.