It’s important to note that reducing life expectancy discrepancies is a long-range goal that can’t be fully achieved within the five-year timeframe. However, working with members of the community and partners inside and outside the agency, ARC is uniquely positioned to take this challenge on and make meaningful progress.
As the federally designated Area Agency on Aging for metro Atlanta’s 10 counties, ARC is responsible for planning, advocacy, and service delivery systems that are designed to support quality of life for older people, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers. In addition, the agency has a deep reserve of resources, including research, data analysis, and community planning in transportation, housing, arts, and employment sectors. Finally, the agency’s community partners are already engaged in related work.
Engaging External Stakeholders
We invite all interested individuals and organizations to join with ARC as we move along in identifying and addressing the inequities that create disparities in life expectancy; engaging with regional, state, and national stakeholders to bolster current partnerships; and developing new relationships and marshalling existing and new resources to support the long-term vision that all who live in the Atlanta region can lead long and healthy lives no matter where they live.
We are collaborating with communities and partners to design strategies to address disparities related to:
- Place – Focus on locations, within each county, where residents experience the most inequity
- Policy – Work with governmental, philanthropic, educational, nonprofit, and business leaders to improve or amend policies that create inequities and advance policies that promote equity
- Practice – Provide services and programs that address unmet needs
Throughout the process, ARC will communicate efforts to governmental, philanthropic, educational, nonprofit, and business leaders, as well as residents across the region, in order to build support, evaluate ongoing progress, and refine efforts as needed.
If your organization is interested in learning more or joining these efforts, please contact Arin Yost at
Are you a governmental, philanthropic, educational, nonprofit, or business professional in the Atlanta region? We want to hear your perspective on key issues that impact quality of life where you work! Take Our Survey