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What’s Next ATL Newsletter
A monthly e-mail bulletin designed to educate, inspire, and engage you about the region in which we live, the challenges we face, the opportunities we have, and how we can work together to identify solutions to make our communities the best they can be.
33°N shares research about the metro Atlanta Region
IIJA Monthly Updates
Sign up to receive email updates about funding opportunities and other IIJA related information.
Community Engagement Network
The Community Engagement Network is a network for coordinating public engagement and other activities in the region, sharing public participation techniques, and providing resources and information on Title VI and environmental justice guidance, as well as other regulatory standards.
Green Matters
The Green Matters e-newsletter provides information about sustainability initiatives happening around the metro Atlanta region and beyond.
ARC News Center
The agency’s central news hub helps you stay on top of the key issues that shape our region, from transportation and community development to aging & health, natural resources and workforce development.
What’s Next ATL
What’s Next ATL is a community resource that explores how metro Atlanta is growing and changing, and offers new opportunities for community engagement. The site includes engaging blog posts that provide a closer look at the issues shaping our region’s future, carefully curated links to local and national news articles that help explain where we are going as a region, relevant news releases from local government and non-profit organizations, and data-driven stories that help illuminate our region.
The 33°N blog shares research about the metro Atlanta Region
Social Media Channels
Atlanta Regional Commission
Aging & Health
Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District
Neighborhood Nexus
Research & Analytics
Media Contacts
For all media related questions, please view our Media Contacts page.