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ARC Executive Director Doug Hooker to Retire in March 2022

Doug Hooker

Atlanta — Apr 14, 2021

Doug Hooker, Executive Director, Atlanta Regional Commission

Today, the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) announced that its executive director, Doug Hooker, will be retiring on March 31, 2022. Hooker began his tenure with the agency in November 2011 leading more than 240 employees across the Atlanta region.

“It has been an honor and privilege to work alongside Doug Hooker for the past nine years,” said Kerry Armstrong, ARC’s Chairman. “Doug has brought a depth and breadth to ARC that has served our region well with a myriad of accomplishments. His strategic leadership has continued to provide valuable counsel to the board and our staff.”

Hooker is responsible for a wide range of services for the region including transportation planning, aging services, workforce development, water conservation, and homeland security.

“It has been the greatest accomplishment of my career to lead ARC through a transformative journey over these past nine years,” Hooker said. “I am enormously proud of what we have accomplished together as an agency and as regional force.”

Chairman Armstrong stated, “Those of us that know Doug personally admire him not only for his professional leadership, but also for his personal lifetime values as a devoted husband, father, grandfather and humanitarian. He is very much a dear friend.”

Armstrong stated that a search committee will be formed and begin its work in the coming months. More information will become available as that process progresses.

The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) is the official planning agency for the 10-county Atlanta Region, including Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties as well as the City of Atlanta and 73 other cities.  The Atlanta Regional Commission serves as a catalyst for regional progress by focusing leadership, attention and planning resources on key regional issues.


Contact Name: Paul Donsky
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