Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program |
To assist states, local governments, and Tribes to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$550,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes |
Not available |
Industrial Emission Demonstration Projects |
To fund demonstration projects that test and validate technologies that reduce industrial emissions. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations |
$500,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities |
Not applicable |
State Energy Program |
To provide funding to states to support electric transmission and distribution planning as well as planning activities and programs that help reduce carbon emissions in all sectors of the economy, including the transportation sector and accelerate the use of alternative transportation fuels and vehicle electrification. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$500,000,000 |
States/Territories |
Not applicable |
University Transportation Centers Program |
No detailed description available. |
Transportation Other |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$500,000,000 |
Higher Education Insitutions |
Pending (TBD) |
Healthy Streets Program |
No detailed description available. |
Transportation Resilience |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$500,000,000 |
To Be Determined |
Pending (TBD) |
Watershed And Flood Prevention Operations |
Provides planning, design and construction of measures that address resource concerns in a watershed. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Resilience |
Department of Agriculture National Resources Conservation Service |
$500,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Other Entities |
Pending (TBD) |
Dam Safety Program |
Reclamation's Dam Safety Program is in place to ensure Reclamation dams do not present unreasonable risk to people, property, and the environment. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Water |
Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation |
$500,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, To Be Determined |
Not applicable |
Restoration & Enhancement Grant Program |
To provide operating assistance to initiate, restore, or enhance intercity passenger rail service. Key Changes: New priority to applications for routes selected under the Corridor Identification and Development Program and operated by Amtrak. Grants may provide operating assistance for up to six years, and may not exceed: 90 percent of the projected net operating costs for the first year of service; 80 percent of the projected net operating costs for the second year of service; 70 percent of the projected net operating costs for the third year of service; 60 percent of the projected net operating costs for the fourth year of service; 50 percent of the projected net operating costs for the fifth year of service; and 30 percent of the projected net operating costs for the sixth year of service. |
Transportation Passenger and Freight Rail |
Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration |
$500,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Amtrak, Transit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses |
Pending (2025/Q3) |
Emergency Relief |
No detailed description available. |
Transportation Other |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$500,000,000 |
Federal Agencies, Other Entities |
Not applicable |
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program |
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program assists eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill payment assistance, energy crisis assistance, weatherization and energy-related home repairs |
Climate, Energy & Environment Other |
Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families |
$500,000,000 |
States/Territories, Tribes |
Pending (TBD) |
Clean Hydrogen Manufacturing Recycling |
To provide federal financial assistance to advance new clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, and use equipment manufacturing technologies and techniques. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$500,000,000 |
Private Sector Businesses |
Not applicable |
Grants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities |
To provide competitive grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fueled vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schools. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$500,000,000 |
Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities |
Pending (TBD) |
Transportation Resilience and Adaptation Centers of Excellence |
No detailed description available. |
Transportation Resilience |
Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary |
$500,000,000 |
To Be Determined |
Pending (TBD) |
Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Funds/Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM) Act (Robert T Stafford Act, Sec 205) |
Capitalization grants to state and eligible Tribal governments for the establishment revolving loan funds to provide hazard mitigation assistance to local governments. |
Other Resilience |
Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Assistance |
$500,000,000 |
States/Territories, Tribes |
Pending (TBD) |
Flood and Inundation Mapping and Forecasting, Water Modeling, and Precipitation Studies |
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will transform water prediction by delivering operational, continental-scale coastal and inland flood models and mapping capabilities. These capabilities include flood forecasts and projections that will provide actionable decision support services equitably delivered to communities across the nation. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Resilience |
Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
$492,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Insitutions |
Not applicable |
Continuing Authorities Program (Under Flood Control Act And River And Harbor Act) |
Funds eligible small Army Corps projects, including $115 million for restoring fish and wildlife passage. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Resilience |
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers Construction |
$465,000,000 |
Federal Agencies, To Be Determined |
Not applicable |
High Priority Activities Program |
The High Priority Activities grant program is a discretionary (competitive) grant program designed to provide Federal financial assistance to enhance statesÂ’ commercial vehicle safety plan activities, including commercial vehicle inspections, traffic enforcement, and outreach while supporting innovative technology development and/or new project(s) not included in the commercial vehicle safety plan that will have a positive impact on commercial vehicle safety. Other applicants, such as academia and safety associations are also eligible for these grants that improve safety. Overall this grant supports safety programs and innovative technology deployment with a goal of increasing efficiency improvements in exchanging commercial vehicle safety data. |
Transportation Safety |
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |
$432,500,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes |
Pending (2025/Q1) |
Industrial Research and Assessment Center Implementation Grants |
To fund upgrades for small- and medium-sized manufacturers that have been recommended in an assessment from an Industrial Assessment Center or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$400,000,000 |
Private Sector Businesses |
Not applicable |
Energy Storage Demonstration Pilot Grant Program |
To enter into agreements to carry out 3 energy storage system demonstration projects. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations |
$355,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities |
Not applicable |
Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program |
The Wildlife Crossings Pilot program will support projects that seek to reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions, and in carrying out that purpose, improve habitat connectivity. |
Transportation Safety |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$350,000,000 |
States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies, Other Entities |
Pending (2025/Q2) |
Hazardous Materials Safety |
No detailed description available. |
Transportation Other |
Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration |
$345,000,000 |
Federal Agencies, Other Entities |
Not applicable |
Earth Mapping Resources Initiative |
To accelerate the U.S. Geological Survey mapping mission by providing integrated topographic, geologic, geochemical, and geophysical mapping; accelerating the integration and consolidation of geospatial and resource data; and providing an interpretation of both critical mineral resources still in the ground and critical mineral resources that may be reprocessed from legacy mine wastes. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey - Surveys, Investigations & Research |
$320,000,000 |
States/Territories, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities |
Pending (TBD) |
Carbon Utilization Program |
To establish a grant program for state and local governments to procure and use products derived from captured carbon oxides. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon Management |
$310,140,781 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Utilities |
23 USC 503(c)(4) – Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovation Mobility Deployment Program (ATTIMD) / Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation Program (ATTAIN) |
The program provides competitive grants to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment. |
Transportation Other |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$300,000,000 |
Pending (2025/Q1) |
Brownfields Categorical Grants |
Unlike many Environmental Protection Agency cleanup programs States and Tribal Nations are responsible for developing brownfields cleanup standards and policy and conducting or overseeing the assessment and cleanup of brownfield sites within their jurisdictions. This funding is intended for states and tribes that have the required management and administrative capacity within their government to administer a federal grant. The primary goal of this funding is to ensure that state and Tribal response programs include, or are taking reasonable steps to include, certain elements of an environmental response program and that the program establishes and maintains a public record of sites addressed. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Environmental Remediation |
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance Grants |
$300,000,000 |
States/Territories, Tribes |
Pending (TBD) |
Commercial Driver’s License Implementation Program |
The CDLPI discretionary grant seeks to improve highway safety by supporting Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Programs on a State and National level. The funding assists grant partners in achieving compliance with the CDL regulations in 49 CFR Parts 383 and 384 by providing funding directly to States and other entities capable of executing National projects to aid States in their compliance efforts. |
Transportation Safety |
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |
$297,500,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities |
Apply Now |
Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Infrastructure Grants |
Communities across the country are burdened by pollution impacts from inefficient waste management systems. This historic investment will transform recycling and solid waste management across the country while creating jobs. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Other |
Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance Grants |
$275,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes |
Apply Now |
Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies |
Funds Corps of Engineers preparedness measures, certain Corps of Engineers operations during a flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster, and the repair of certain projects following such a natural disaster. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Resilience |
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies |
$251,000,000 |
Federal Agencies, To Be Determined |
Not applicable |
Cybersecurity For The Energy Sector Research, Development, And Demonstration Program |
To support development and deployment of advanced cyber applications, technologies, and threat collaboration efforts with the U.S. energy sector. |
Broadband & Cybersecurity Cybersecurity |
Department of Energy Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response |
$250,000,000 |
Utilities, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities |
Pending (TBD) |
Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant Program |
To provide capitalization grants to States to establish a revolving loan fund under which the State shall provide loans and grants for energy efficiency audits, upgrades, and retrofits to increase energy efficiency and improve the comfort of buildings. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$250,000,000 |
States/Territories |
Not applicable |
Invasive Plant Removal Program |
Climate, Energy & Environment Other |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$250,000,000 |
To Be Determined |
Pending (TBD) |
Congestion Relief Program |
Advance innovative, integrated, and multimodal solutions to reduce congestion and the related economic and environmental costs in the most congested metropolitan areas with an urbanized area population of 1 million+. |
Transportation Roads, Bridges and Major Projects |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$250,000,000 |
States/Territories, MPOs, Counties, Cities |
Pending (2025/Q1) |
Assisting Federal Facilities with Conservation Technologies |
To provide grants to federal agencies that they can leverage with private capital to make energy and water efficiency upgrades to federal buildings. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$250,000,000 |
Federal Agencies |
Not applicable |
Rural And Municipal Utility Advances Cybersecurity Grant And Technical Assistance Program |
To provide grants and technical assistance to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, eligible entities to protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity threats. |
Broadband & Cybersecurity Cybersecurity |
Department of Energy Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response |
$250,000,000 |
States/Territories, Cities, Utilities, Private Sector Businesses |
Pending (TBD) |
Department of Interior Wildfire Management – Preparedness |
The Preparedness Program funds a range of actions that helps the Federal government prepare to respond to wildland fire. These include hiring people, training them, tracking their qualifications, and planning our wildland fire response ahead of time. It also provides for the purchasing of equipment for early wildfire detection, real-time monitoring and radios to support interoperability with interagency partners; financial assistance to local communities to purchase slip-on tanks; and increases in firefighter pay and other firefighter workforce reforms. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Resilience |
Department of the Interior Office of Wildland Fire |
$245,000,000 |
Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Private Sector Businesses |
Pending (TBD) |
Emergency Preparedness Grants |
The Hazardous Materials Grants Program is comprised of the following grants:Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness;Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training;Hazardous Materials Instructor Training; and Supplemental Public Sector Training.Program also includes the publication of the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Guidebook and other outreach and training. |
Other Resilience |
Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration |
$234,125,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities |
Not available |
Building Energy Codes, Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation |
A competitive grant program to enable sustained, cost-effective implementation of updated building energy codes to save customers money on their energy bills. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$225,000,000 |
States/Territories |
Pending (2025/Q1) |
National Dam Safety Program |
To encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective state programs intended to ensure dam safety, to protect human life and property, and to improve state dam safety programs.The National Dam Safety Program is a partnership of states, federal agencies and other stakeholders to encourage and promote the establishment and maintenance of effective federal and state dam safety programs to reduce the risk to human life and property. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Assistance |
$215,000,000 |
States/Territories |
Pending (TBD) |
Hazmat Emergency Preparedness Fund |
No detailed description available. |
Transportation Other |
Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary |
$204,100,000 |
Federal Agencies, Other Entities |
Not applicable |
High-Visibility Enforcement |
To carry out national traffic safety campaigns to reduce alcohol-impaired or drug-impaired driving and to increase the use of seatbelts. |
Transportation Safety |
Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
$201,600,000 |
Federal Agencies, Other Entities |
Not applicable |
Water-Related Environmental Infrastructure Assistance |
The program funds engineering and construction of authorized environmental infrastructure projects which provides safe water supply, waste disposal and pollution control to cities and towns to protect human health and safeguard the environment |
Climate, Energy & Environment Resilience |
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers Construction |
$200,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, To Be Determined |
Not applicable |
Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling And 2nd Life Apps |
To expand an existing program at Department of Energy for research, development, and demonstration of electric vehicle battery recycling and second-life applications for vehicle batteries. |
Transportation Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$200,000,000 |
Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses |
Not applicable |
Bureau of Transportation Statistics |
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics is the preeminent source of statistics on commercial aviation, multimodal freight activity, and transportation economics, and provides context to decision makers and the public for understanding statistics on transportation. |
Transportation Other |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$182,500,000 |
Federal Agencies, Other Entities |
Not applicable |
Federal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) |
The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the NationÂ’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the countryÂ’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. |
Transportation Roads, Bridges and Major Projects |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$180,000,000 |
Federal Agencies, Other Entities |
Not applicable |
FTA 5305 Program – Statewide Transportation Planning |
The statewide planning and research program is a source of Federal financial assistance to the states to meet the planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations for statewide transportation planning. |
Transportation Public Transportation |
Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration |
$167,001,389 |
States/Territories, MPOs |
Not applicable |
Regulatory Program |
Provides funds to administer the laws and regulations pertaining to activities affecting U.S. waters, including wetlands, in accordance with the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899, the Clean Water Act of 1972, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. Additionally, it reviews and processes permit applications, ensure compliance on permitted sites, and protect important aquatic resources |
Climate, Energy & Environment Resilience |
Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program |
$160,000,000 |
Federal Agencies, To Be Determined |
Not applicable |
Federal Lands Transportation Program (For other Federal Land Management Agencies) |
The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the NationÂ’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the countryÂ’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. |
Transportation Roads, Bridges and Major Projects |
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
$153,637,750 |
Federal Agencies |
Pending (TBD) |
Industrial Research and Assessment Centers |
To provide funding for institutions of higher education-based industrial research and assessment centers to identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance at manufacturing and other industrial facilities. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
$150,000,000 |
Higher Education Insitutions, Other Entities |
Pending (TBD) |
Long-Duration Energy Storage Demonstration Initiative and Joint Program |
To establish a demonstration initiative composed of demonstration projects focused on the development of long-duration energy storage technologies. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations |
$150,000,000 |
States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Utilities, Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities |
Apply Now |
Rare Earth Elements Demonstration Facility |
To demonstrate the feasibility of a full-scale integrated rare earth element extraction and separation facility and refinery. |
Climate, Energy & Environment Clean Energy and Power |
Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon Management |
$140,000,000 |
Private Sector Businesses |
Not applicable |