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Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act Resource Database

Category / Sub Category
Funding Type
Eligible Recipients
Showing 50 of 236 Results UPDATED January 10
ProgramDescriptionCategoryAgency / BureauFundingEligible RecipientsApply
Federal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the NationÂ’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the countryÂ’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands.


Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

$180,000,000 Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
Federal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Forest Service) The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the NationÂ’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the countryÂ’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands.


Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

$130,000,000 Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Not applicable
Federal Lands Transportation Program (funds for National Park Service) The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the NationÂ’s infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the countryÂ’s transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands.


Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

$1,731,187,250 Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grants To fund capital projects that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service, including privately operated intercity passenger rail service if an eligible applicant is involved.


Passenger and Freight Rail

Department of Transportation

Federal Railroad Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Amtrak Pending (2025/Q3)
First Responder Capability This program develops and transitions technologies, information, procedures, and concept of operations to aid first responders, emergency managers, and incident commanders as they respond to hazardous situations. It assists emergency response communities through test and assessment of technologies for usability and seeks to transition viable solutions to the commercial marketplace to help make them available across all first responder communities.



Department of Homeland Security

Science and Technology / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

$4,000,000 Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Not applicable
Flood and Inundation Mapping and Forecasting, Water Modeling, and Precipitation Studies The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will transform water prediction by delivering operational, continental-scale coastal and inland flood models and mapping capabilities. These capabilities include flood forecasts and projections that will provide actionable decision support services equitably delivered to communities across the nation.

Climate, Energy & Environment


Department of Commerce

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

$492,000,000 States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Insitutions Not applicable
Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies Funds Corps of Engineers preparedness measures, certain Corps of Engineers operations during a flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster, and the repair of certain projects following such a natural disaster.

Climate, Energy & Environment


Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers

Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies

$251,000,000 Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Not applicable
Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants (National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 – Section 1366) The Flood Mitigation Assistance program makes federal funds available to states, U.S. territories, federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures.

Climate, Energy & Environment


Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management Agency

National Flood Insurance Fund

Apply Now
Flood Plain Management Services The Army Corps provides site-specific flood and flood plain data and assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities

Climate, Energy & Environment


Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers


$45,000,000 Federal Agencies, States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, To Be Determined
Not applicable
Four Regional Clean Direct Air Capture Hubs This program shall provide funding for eligible projects that contribute to the development and demonstration of four (4) domestic Regional DAC Hubs to accelerate the commercialization of CO2 removal via integrated capture from the atmosphere, processing, transport, and secure geologic storage and/or conversion.

Climate, Energy & Environment

Clean Energy and Power

Department of Energy

Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

$3,500,000,000 Private Sector Businesses Apply Now
Front-End Engineering and Design Program Out Activities Under Carbon Capture Tech Program 962 Of EPA (Sec 40303) Expands the Department of EnergyÂ’s Carbon Capture Technology program to include a program for carbon dioxide transport infrastructure necessary to deploy Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage technologies.

Climate, Energy & Environment

Clean Energy and Power

Department of Energy

Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

$100,000,000 Private Sector Businesses Pending (TBD)
FTA 5303 Program – Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development The Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development Planning is a discretionary grant program that helps support Federal Transit AdministrationÂ’s mission of improving public transportation for AmericaÂ’s communities by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning with a new fixed guideway or core capacity transit capital investment.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

$68,864,631 States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Transit Agencies
Pending (2025/Q2)
FTA 5305 Program – Metropolitan Transportation Program The Metropolitan Planning Program are available to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process and meet the transportation planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, MPOs
Not applicable
FTA 5305 Program – Statewide Transportation Planning The statewide planning and research program is a source of Federal financial assistance to the states to meet the planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations for statewide transportation planning.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, MPOs
Not applicable
FTA 5307 Program – Urbanized Area Formula Grants The Urbanized Area Formula Funding program (49 U.S.C. 5307) makes federal resources available to urbanized areas and to governors for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas and for transportation-related planning. An urbanized area is an incorporated area with a population of 50,000 or more that is designated as such by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Operating expenses are only eligible for urbanized areas under 200,000 in population or recipients with 100 or fewer buses. Funds are also provided to states for state safety oversight activities.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
FTA 5309 Program – Capital Investment Grants This Federal Transit Administration discretionary grant program funds transit capital investments, including heavy rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, and bus rapid transit. Federal transit law requires transit agencies seeking Capital Investment Grants funding to complete a series of steps over several years. The law also requires projects to be rated by Federal Transit Administration at various points in the process according to statutory criteria evaluating project justification and local financial commitment.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Transit Agencies Pending (TBD)
FTA 5310 Program – Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities To provide financial assistance in meeting the transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities where public transportation services are unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate. The Section 5310 program is designed to supplement FTA's other capital assistance programs by funding transportation projects for seniors and individuals with disabilities in all areas - large urban, small urban, and rural.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

$2,193,105,343 States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Non-Profit Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
FTA 5310 Program – Pilot Program for Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Access and Mobility Partnership Grants seek to improve access to public transportation by building partnerships among health, transportation and other service providers. This program provides competitive funding to support innovative projects for the transportation disadvantaged that will improve the coordination of transportation services and non-emergency medical transportation services.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

$24,102,620 States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Non-Profit Agencies Pending (2025/Q1)
FTA 5311 Program – Formula Grants for Rural Areas To improve, initiate, or continue public transportation service in nonurbanized areas (rural areas and small cities under 50,000 in population) and to provide technical assistance for rural transportation providers. The Section 5311 program supports both the maintenance of existing public transportation services and the expansion of those services through the following program goals: enhancing access in rural areas to health care, shopping, education, employment, public services, and recreation; assisting in the maintenance, development, improvement, and use of public transportation systems in rural areas; encouraging and facilitating the most efficient use of all transportation funds used to provide passenger transportation in rural areas through the coordination of programs and services; providing financial assistance to help carry out national goals related to mobility for all, including seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low-income individuals; increasing availability of transportation options through investments in intercity bus services; assisting in the development and support of intercity bus transportation; encouraging mobility management, employment-related transportation alternatives, joint development practices, and transit-oriented development; and providing for the participation of private transportation providers in rural public transportation.The Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program is a set-aside from the Formula Grants for Rural Areas program that consists of both a formula and competitive grant program for federally recognized Indian tribes or Alaska Native villages, groups or communities in rural areas.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Non-Profit Agencies, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Not applicable
FTA 5311 Program – National Rural Transportation Assistance Program Supports state Rural Transportation Assistance Program and develops information resources, technical assistance, and training about rural public transportation.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Insitutions Pending (TBD)
FTA 5311 Program – Rural Transportation Assistance Program Provides funding to states for transportation research, technical assistance, training, and related support services in rural areas.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

Not applicable
FTA 5312 Program – Low or No Emission Vehicle Component Assessment Program The Federal Transit Administration will provide funds to two qualified institutions of higher education to conduct testing, evaluation, and analysis of low or no emission components intended for use in low- and zero emission buses used to provide public transportation. The Low and No-Emission Component Assessment Program (LoNO-CAP) is intended to test items that are separately installed in and removable from a low or no emission transit bus.


Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

Higher Education Insitutions
Pending (TBD)
FTA 5312 Program – Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment Projects (Includes Public Transportation Innovation Program) Provides funding to assist innovative projects and activities that advance and sustain safe, efficient, equitable, climate-friendly public transportation. Eligible research and demonstrations under this program explore novel approaches to improve public transportation service – especially for transit-dependent individuals; advance vehicle and system technologies for safety, energy efficiency, and operational performance; use data for enhanced insights; and undertake other activities that help transit agencies meet equity, safety, climate change and transformation goals for a safer, environmentally cleaner, socially just and connected public transportation system.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

Pending (2025/Q2)
FTA 5314 Program – Public Transportation Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Provides funding to support workforce development and transition, including in relation to zero-emission fleet conversion, and other technical assistance to support transit providers in enhancing safe, efficient, equitable and climate-friendly public transportation. Additionally, the program supports the development of standards for the public transportation industry.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

Non-Profit Agencies Pending (TBD)
FTA 5337 Program – Rail Vehicle Replacement Grants Capital projects for the replacement of rail rolling stock. Not more than three new competitive awards to eligible projects may be announced each fiscal year. FTA may select projects for multi-year awards.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Transit Agencies Pending (2025/Q1)
FTA 5337 Program – State of Good Repair Formula Grants To assist in funding capital projects for existing fixed guideway systems (including rail, bus rapid transit, and passenger ferries) and high intensity motorbus systems (buses operating in high-occupancy vehicle lanes) to maintain public transportation systems in a state of good repair and to ensure public transit operates safely, efficiently, reliably, and sustainably so that communities can offer balanced transportation choices that helps to improve mobility, reduce congestion, and encourage economic development.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
FTA 5339(a) Program – Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Grants Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies
Not applicable
FTA 5339(b) Program – Bus and Bus Facilities Competitive Grants The purpose of the Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Program is to assist in the financing of buses and bus facilities capital projects, including replacing, rehabilitating, purchasing or leasing buses or related equipment, and rehabilitating, purchasing, constructing or leasing bus-related facilities.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies Pending (2025/Q1)
FTA 5339(c) Program – Low or No Emission (Bus) Grants The purpose of the Low-No Program is to support the transition of the nationÂ’s transit fleet to the lowest polluting and most energy efficient transit vehicles. The Low-No Program provides funding to state and local governmental authorities for the purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses, including acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies Pending (2025/Q1)
FTA 5340 Program – Growing State Apportionments An additional formula funding component that is then added to either the 5307 or 5311 formula funding.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
FTA 5340 Program – Growing States and High-Density States Formula An additional formula funding component that is then added to either the 5307 or 5311 formula funding.


Public Transportation

Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Transit Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
Grants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities To provide competitive grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fueled vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schools.

Climate, Energy & Environment

Clean Energy and Power

Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

$500,000,000 Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Pending (TBD)
Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Funds/Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM) Act (Robert T Stafford Act, Sec 205) Capitalization grants to state and eligible Tribal governments for the establishment revolving loan funds to provide hazard mitigation assistance to local governments.



Department of Homeland Security—Federal Emergency Management Agency

Federal Assistance

$500,000,000 States/Territories, Tribes Pending (TBD)
Hazardous Materials Safety No detailed description available.



Department of Transportation

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
Hazmat Emergency Preparedness Fund No detailed description available.



Department of Transportation

Office of the Secretary

Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
Hazmat Training Grants No detailed description available.



Department of Transportation

Office of the Secretary

To Be Determined
Pending (TBD)
Healthy Streets Program No detailed description available.



Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

To Be Determined Pending (TBD)
High Priority Activities Program The High Priority Activities grant program is a discretionary (competitive) grant program designed to provide Federal financial assistance to enhance statesÂ’ commercial vehicle safety plan activities, including commercial vehicle inspections, traffic enforcement, and outreach while supporting innovative technology development and/or new project(s) not included in the commercial vehicle safety plan that will have a positive impact on commercial vehicle safety. Other applicants, such as academia and safety associations are also eligible for these grants that improve safety. Overall this grant supports safety programs and innovative technology deployment with a goal of increasing efficiency improvements in exchanging commercial vehicle safety data.



Department of Transportation

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

$432,500,000 States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes Pending (2025/Q1)
High-Visibility Enforcement To carry out national traffic safety campaigns to reduce alcohol-impaired or drug-impaired driving and to increase the use of seatbelts.



Department of Transportation

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

$201,600,000 Federal Agencies, Other Entities
Not applicable
Highway Safety Improvement Program The Highway Safety Improvement Program provides States with critical safety funding that is used to save lives and prevent serious injuries on all public roads. The Highway Safety Improvement Program is based on a performance-driven process that identifies and analyzes highway safety problems and advances highway safety improvement projects that have the greatest potential to reduce fatalities and serious injuries.



Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

$15,557,499,996 States/Territories
Not applicable
Highway Safety Programs Section 402 funds are authorized by Congress and are available to the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U. S. Territories and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. These funds are apportioned using statutory apportionment formula. These funds are provided to the State and Territorial Highway Safety Offices based on an approved highway safety plan that details problem identification, performance measures, countermeasures and projects using identified countermeasures to help reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities resulting from motor vehicle crashes.



Department of Transportation

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

$1,992,000,000 States/Territories, Other Entities
Not applicable
Highway Safety Research & Development Research and development activities with respect to (1) highway and traffic safety systems and conditions, (2) human behavioral factors and their effect on highway and traffic safety, (3) evaluation of the effectiveness of countermeasures to increase highway and traffic safety, (4) development of technologies to detect drug impaired drivers, (5) driver education programs, State laws on highway and traffic safety; Cooperative research and evaluation to research and evaluate priority highway safety countermeasures; Collaborative research on in-vehicle technology to prevent alcohol-impaired driving; Education campaign to reduce incidence of vehicular heatstroke of children; Grant program to develop and implement State processes for informing consumers of recalls; and Evaluation of innovative highway safety countermeasures.



Department of Transportation

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

$970,000,000 States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Tribes, Special Districts, Transit Agencies, Non-Profit Agencies, Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses Pending (TBD)
Highway Use Tax Evasion Enforcement Grants The Highway Use Tax Evasion Enforcement Grants program provides funding to the Internal Revenue Service and the States to carry out intergovernmental enforcement efforts, along with training and research, to reduce evasion of payment of motor fuel and other highway use taxes, which are the principal sources for Federal and State highway funding.


Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

Pending (2025/Q1)
Hydropower Research, Development, and Demonstration To fund research, development, and demonstration activities to improve hydropower technologies.

Climate, Energy & Environment

Clean Energy and Power

Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

$36,000,000 Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Pending (TBD)
Industrial Emission Demonstration Projects To fund demonstration projects that test and validate technologies that reduce industrial emissions.

Climate, Energy & Environment

Clean Energy and Power

Department of Energy

Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations

$500,000,000 States/Territories, Counties, Cities, Higher Education Insitutions, Private Sector Businesses, Other Entities
Not applicable
Industrial Research and Assessment Center Implementation Grants To fund upgrades for small- and medium-sized manufacturers that have been recommended in an assessment from an Industrial Assessment Center or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership.

Climate, Energy & Environment

Clean Energy and Power

Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

$400,000,000 Private Sector Businesses Not applicable
Industrial Research and Assessment Centers To provide funding for institutions of higher education-based industrial research and assessment centers to identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance at manufacturing and other industrial facilities.

Climate, Energy & Environment

Clean Energy and Power

Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

$150,000,000 Higher Education Insitutions, Other Entities
Pending (TBD)
Inland Flood Risk Management Projects This program funds the construction of projects that help to reduce the risk of damage in a flood, including $750 million for multi-purpose projects or programs that include flood risk management benefits as a purpose.

Climate, Energy & Environment


Department of Defense – Army Corps of Engineers


$2,500,000,000 Federal Agencies, To Be Determined
Not applicable
Innovative Finance and Asset Concession Grant Program To assist public entities in facilitating and evaluating public-private partnerships and exploring innovative financing and delivery opportunities for Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) eligible (TIFIA) eligible projects. Two types of grants are available under the new program: Technical Assistance Grants and Expert Services Grants. Technical Assistance grants will build organizational capacity and advance a portfolio of assets by conducting pre-construction tasks, such as asset scans, value-for-money analyses, and other tasks that consider innovative finance and delivery, including asset concessions. Expert Services Grants enable recipients to hire expert professionals to develop and deliver public-private partnerships in connection with the development of a specific asset.



Department of Transportation

Office of the Secretary

$100,000,000 Pending (2025/Q1)
Intelligent Transportation Systems Program The Intelligent Transportation Systems Program fosters innovation in transportation through the deployment of technology to enhance safety and efficiency while reducing environmental impacts of surface transportation, resulting in improved access and convenience, saved lives and time, and increased productivity.


Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

To Be Determined Pending (TBD)
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Community Planning Academy
Georgia Commute Options
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