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Land Use Coordinating Committee

The Land Use Coordinating Committee provides technical advice to ARC staff and local governments regarding land-use and economic development-related matters potentially affecting the 11-county Atlanta Regional Commission area. LUCC members work closely with ARC Community Development staff. This committee consists of community development professionals from many jurisdictions around metro Atlanta.

LUCC typically meets at 10 a.m. on the third Wednesday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, and December. The month can change depending on content and location. Also, the location changes frequently to allow attendees to see innovative community development projects first-hand. To stay up to date and know when the meetings are, please sign up for updates below.

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LUCC March Meeting Rescheduled

The March 19 LUCC meeting has been rescheduled for April 16.

Next Meeting

Land Use Coordinating Committee (LUCC)

Wed, April 16, 2025 10:00-12:00 PM

Add to Calendar 04/16/2025 10:00 AM 04/16/2025 12:00 PM America/New_York Land Use Coordinating Committee (LUCC)

The Land Use Coordinating Committee provides technical advice to ARC staff and local governments regarding land-use and economic development related matters potentially affecting the 11-county Atlanta Regional Commission area. LUCC members work closely with ARC Community Development staff. This committee consists of community development professionals from many jurisdictions around metro Atlanta.

LUCC meets at 10 a.m. on the third Wednesday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, December. The location changes frequently to allow attendees to see innovative community development projects first-hand.

Registration is required to attend.

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Register for the January 15th LUCC Meeting

Register now to attend the January 15th LUCC event. More information about this event can be found on the ARC events and meetings calendar.

Duties of the LUCC

  • Assist the Community Development Group of ARC in the performance of its duties in a manner determined by the Manager of Community Development;
  • Make technical recommendations to the Community Resources Committee (CRC) on the planning duties for which assistance has been requested;
  • Refine and detail the land use policies of the ARC Atlanta Region’s Plan including recognizing the varying needs of town and activity centers;
  • Develop and apply a mechanism for evaluating proposed system-wide (e.g., transportation, water and sewer) plans against the achievement of land use policies;
  • Develop and apply a mechanism for evaluating proposed major public investment (e.g., transportation, water and sewer) plans against the achievement of land use policies;
  • Participate in reviews of Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) and other reviews referred by the ARC staff to ensure consideration of land use implications of the proposals;
  • Conduct an on-going research program on the feasibility of or barriers to implementation of innovative land use tools and best development practices;
  • Conduct evaluations of potential land use modeling techniques and processes;
  • Prepare and conduct training for local governments on development tools and mechanisms for local government evaluation of land use impacts of transportation projects;
  • Establish appropriate development benchmarks and report regularly to the public on progress toward the achievement of these policies; and
  • Pursue other activities under the direction of the Manager of the Community Development Group of ARC or upon request of the CRC.
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