Robb Pitts, ARC Board Member
Chairman, Fulton County
Robb Pitts serves on the ARC Board in his capacity as Chairman of Fulton County.
Robb Pitts's bio
About Robb Pitts
Robb Pitts serves on the ARC Board in his capacity as Chairman of Fulton County.
Chairman Pitts served on the Fulton County Board of Commissioners from November 2002 to December 2014 and, prior to that, on the Atlanta City Council. He was council president in 1997.
A broker with Mass Mutual Perimeter, he is also the owner and president of R.L.P. Corporation, an international business consulting firm. He has been an assistant professor at Clark Atlanta University, a visiting professor and guest lecturer at Oberlin College, and an instructor at Kent State University.
Chairman Pitts earned his undergraduate, graduate. and post-graduate degrees in education, business, languages, and Latin American Studies at Ohio University, La Academia Hispanoamericana, Kent State University, and La Universidad Interamericana. He also has a Master’s of Business Administration from Emory University.
He is active in a variety of community programs and is an avid patron of the arts. He is fluent in Spanish and has an extensive background in international affairs. A native of Haddock, GA, he and his wife, Fran, have one daughter.