Charlton Bivins, ARC Board Member
Citizen Member | District 2
Charlton Bivins
Mr. Bivins serves as a citizen member of the ARC Board, representing District 2, which includes parts of Clayton and Fulton counties, as well as part of the City of Atlanta.
Charlton Bivins's bio
About Charlton Bivins
Mr. Bivins serves as a citizen member of the ARC Board, representing District 2, which includes parts of Clayton and Fulton counties and parts of the City of Atlanta.
Mr. Bivins recently retired from almost 30 years as a law enforcement administrator in the DeKalb Co. Sheriff’s Office. He now has a consulting business, ASK Charter Consulting, LLC, that provides services related to law enforcement reform. He is also actively engaged in public service in Clayton County and has held several leadership positions related to educational improvement and community involvement in education.
Mr. Bivins is a native of Atlanta, and has lived in Clayton County for 32 years. He has five children and fourteen grandchildren. Four adult children graduated from the Clayton County School District and five grandchildren are currently enrolled in Clayton County Public Schools.